Practical aspects of porcine semen collection for conservation and utilization of farm animal genetic resources

LUSTYKOVÁ, Alena, FRYDRYCHOVÁ, Soňa, LIPENSKÝ, Jan, VEJNAR, Jan a ROZKOT, Miroslav. Practical aspects of porcine semen collection for conservation and utilization of farm animal genetic resources. Research in Pig Breeding, 2008, roč. 2(2), s. 22-25. ISSN 1802-7547.
Kateg. publikaceČlánky v odborných časopisech
Interní odkaz8234.pdf

The aim of this study was to present the results of boar semen freezing for animal genetic resources. Activity in this field was done under the supervision of the FAO. The main objective of this activity is focus on the long-term conservation needs, butthere is a room and material for research enough. More than 4 thousands of straws from 67 boars of Přeštice black-pied pig were produced during 7 years period. Each ejaculate was tested before and during processing and after thawing. Average volume of ejaculate was 190.5 ml with 489.12 thousands/mm3 spermatozoa. Sperm motility was 78.87 % before processing and 32.83 % after thawing. Forty-eight sows were inseminated with 52.08 % conception rate. The main success of this activity was the revitalization of four extinct genealogical lines of boars.

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