Quality of meat from pigs raised in environment treated with titanium dioxide

ADAMEC, Tomáš, DOLEJŠ, Jan, TOUFAR, Oldřich, KNÍŽEK, Josef a ZABLOUDILOVÁ, P. Quality of meat from pigs raised in environment treated with titanium dioxide. Research in Pig Breeding, 2011, roč. 5(1), s. 4-7. ISSN 1802-7547.
Kateg. publikaceČlánky v odborných časopisech
Interní odkaz11185.pdf

Experiments involving nanotechnology (walls and ceiling coated with titanium dioxide – TiO2) in pig farming culminated in an assessment of meat quality following the slaughter. This was done by technological and sensory evaluation of meat properties and by analyses of the basic nutrients. The tests performed did not show any negative effects of the applied coating on meat quality. In color evaluation, meat samples a* from the experimental group of pigs showed a greater proportion of red color (p=0.0146). The color shift may be considered positive.

ProjektVyužití vybraných nanotechnologií pro návrhy a ověření nejlepších dostupných technik (BAT) v zemědělské činnosti
OdděleníTechnologie a technika chovu hospodářských zvířat