Quantitative trait loci for milk production and functional traits in two Danish Cattle breeds
Kateg. publikace | Vědecké publikace impaktované |
Interní odkaz | 10212.pdf |
Abstrakt | Quantitative trait loci (QTL) in Danish Jersey and Danish Red cattle were independently mapped by least squares regression analysis. For Jersey breed, five grandsire families were genotyped for 186 markers on 16 chromosomes (BTAs). Eight traits analysed were milk yield (MY), fat percentage (FP), protein percentage (PP), clinical mastitis (CM), somatic cell score (SCS), maternal stillbirth, maternal calf size (MCS) and maternal calving difficulty. For Red breed, nine grandsire families were genotyped for 166 markers on 18 BTAs. Six traits analysed were MY, FP, PP, CM, SCS and female fertility. Nine and five QTL were detected in Jersey and Red breed, respectively, in across family tests. In Jersey breed, the results indicate QTL for CM and MCS on BTA 3. Additionally, there is an indication of QTL for MCS and FP on BTA 1 and a tentative evidence for a QTL for MY on BTA 26. |
Projekt | Výzkum faktorů ovlivňujících zdraví a dlouhověkost dojnic |
Oddělení | Chov skotu, Genetika a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat |
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