Relationship between foot and claw health traits and conformation traits in Czech Holstein cattle

ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila, KAŠNÁ, Eva, FLEISCHER, Petr, ŠTÍPKOVÁ, Miloslava a VOSTRÝ, Luboš., 2018 Relationship between foot and claw health traits and conformation traits in Czech Holstein cattle. In Book of Abstracts of the 69th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers, s. 534. ISSN
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Interní odkaz18119.pdf

The heritabilities for different types of foot and claw disorders and their association with selected conformation traits were estimated in the Czech Holstein cattle by applying logistic models. The disorders from 23,850 lactations of 9,422 Holstein cows were recorded on 7 farms in the Czech Republic from 1999 to 2016.

ProjektVýzkum genetických vztahů mezi dlouhověkosti, plodností, znaky zdraví vemene a končetin u skotu a ovcí, Dlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace
OdděleníChov skotu, Genetika a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat