Research in Pig Breeding

WEISBAUEROVÁ, Eva., 2021 Research in Pig Breeding. In Uspořádání workshopu. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v. v. i., s. . ISSN
Kateg. publikaceUspořádání konference nebo workshopu; audiovizuální tvorba
Interní odkaz21227.pdf

The international workshop Research in Pig Breeding took place on October 21, 2021. The workshop was organized by the Department of pig breeding of Institute of Animal Science in Kostelec nad Orlicí. The workshop was attended by researchers from Czech institutions and also from abroad (Germany, Hungary). The workshop serves not only to gain new knowledge in the field of pig breeding, but it is also an opportunity to establish working contacts.

ProjektDlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace
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