Somatic cell nuclear transfer-derived embryonic stem cell lines in humans: pros and cons

LANGEROVÁ, Alena, FULKA, Josef, Jr. a FULKOVÁ, Helena. Somatic cell nuclear transfer-derived embryonic stem cell lines in humans: pros and cons. Cellular Reprogramming , 2013, 15, 481-483. ISSN 2152-4971.
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The production of human somatic cell nuclear transfer embryonic stem cells (ESCs) opens the debate if, in the era of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), the production of these cells is indeed necessary. It is our opinion that these questions are difficult to answer because it is still unclear whether and how normal ESCs differ from iPSCs.

ProjektÚloha a funkce jadérka v oogenezi a časném embryonálním vývoji, Přenosy jader somatických buněk u savců - reprogramace, remodelace nebo obojí?
OdděleníBiologie reprodukce
Pracovní skupinaEmbryobiotechnologie