Stable signals in dairy cows breeding - an integral part of the herd health management evaluation
Kateg. publikace | Příspěvky ve sbornících |
Interní odkaz | 16156.pdf |
Abstrakt | The work is focused on the analysis of the importance of individual components of housing environment with respect for the welfare, health and biosecurity of dairy cows. The knowledge of living conditions is needed to give farmers the information they need to evaluate management practices and determine, which technological system provides the high level of farm animal welfare as a prerequisite for the health of animals. The high level of the environmental hygiene in stables and biosecurity on the farm is the first step for the health of the animals and the background for the high level of productivity. The whole concept must go out from using adequate technological systems, housing parameters and microclimatic condition. Animals have the ability to adapt to a significant degree to their environments, including painful or stressful ones, although the adaptation may be accompanied by severe stress. |
Projekt | Vytvoření systému hodnocení biosecurity, welfare a zdraví hospodářských zvířat pro produkci zdravotně nezávadných surovin a potravin živočišného původu |
Oddělení | Technologie a technika chovu hospodářských zvířat |
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