The Effect of a Rearing System on Breast Meat Quality of Chickens
Kateg. publikace | Příspěvky ve sbornících |
Interní odkaz | 16199.pdf |
Abstrakt | The aim of the study was to evaluate meat quality of breast muscles in outdoor and free-range chickens with respect to stocking density of outdoor chickens. In the study, one-day-old Hubbard JA 757 cockerels were divided into three groups, Group one (I) was kept in indoor one litter pen under intensive conditions with floor density of 13.50 chickens per m2. Group two were free-range (FRI) chickens (8.30 chickens per m2) and the group three was free-range (FRII) with a half density of group FRI (4.15 chickens per m2). Chickens of all groups were kept till 28 days of age in indoor pens and then free-range groups were moved to the three floorless portable pens. Pasture intake had a little effect on breast meat quality parameters. Ultimate pH was higher in free-range chickens but significantly only in the group with higher density. There was no effect of rearing system and stocking density on meat color. Free-range system and lower stocking density led to increasing of muscle fiber cross sectional area (P=0.001) and diameter (P=0.001). Presumably, lower fiber cross sectional area of indoor chickens exhibited to higher meat sheare force of boiled meat (P=0.003). |
Projekt | Řešení problematiky vybraných faktorů růstu ve vztahu ke kvalitě masa kuřat, krůt, králíků a nutrií |
Oddělení | Fyziologie výživy a jakost produkce |
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