The effect of application of two chemical additives on the surface of ensiled maize

LOUČKA, Radko, JAMBOR, Václav, HOMOLKA, Petr, KNÍŽKOVÁ, Ivana, KUNC, Petr, TYROLOVÁ, Yvona a USTAK, S., 2015 The effect of application of two chemical additives on the surface of ensiled maize. In Proceedings of the XVII International Silage Conference, IV International Symposium on Forage Quality and Conservation. Sao Paulo, Brazil: University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, s. 364-365. ISSN 978-85-86481-38-3
Kateg. publikacePříspěvky ve sbornících
Interní odkaz15057.pdf

When silage is exposed to air on opening the silo, or after its removal from the silo, fermentation acids and other substrates are oxidized by aerobic bacteria, yeasts and moulds. The use of additives to increase aerobic stability is advisable (Wilkinson and Davies, 2012). Many of biological or chemical additives were tested when they were applied during the harvesting/chopping operation or during filling of the silo (Kleinschmit et al. 2005). The objective of our study was to assess the impact of the application on the top layer of maize silage of two chemical preservatives, commercially identified as Albit and Safesil, on the nutritive value and indicators of fermentation.

ProjektOmezení rizik spojených s výživou skotu s vysokou užitkovostí, Rozvoj hospodářských zvířat v multifunkčním zemědělství
OdděleníTechnologie a technika chovu hospodářských zvířat, Výživa a krmení hospodářských zvířat