The Effect of Different Preperations for the Quality Parameters of Clover Silages

KUBÁT, Václav, PETRÁŠKOVÁ, E., JANČÍK, Filip, ČERMÁK, B., HNISOVÁ, Jana, HOMOLKA, Petr a LÁD, František., 2012 The Effect of Different Preperations for the Quality Parameters of Clover Silages. In Animal Physiology 2012. Brno: Mendel University, s. 109-114. ISSN
Kateg. publikaceOstatní..
Interní odkaz12174.pdf

The set of samples of red clover silages from the second cut was divided into seven groups; each of them had 4 samples. First group of the samples was untreated (K); no preservations were used on these samples. Into the second group of the samples were included the silages treated with BIOSTABIL (BIOS) preparations. The dosage of BIOPOLYM was recommended 0.02 1 BIOPOLYM + 2 1 water, m“3 (1 : 100). The third group contained the silage samples treated with combination of BIOSTABIL and BIOPOLYM 1 : 100 (BIOS + B) preparations. The fourth group contained the silage samples treated with BIOPOLYM 1 : 10 (B 10), fifth group BIOPOLYM 1 : 100 (B 100), sixth group BIOPOLYM 1 : 200 (B 200) and seventh BIOPOLYM 1 : 500 (B 500).

ProjektUdržitelný rozvoj chovu hospodářských zvířat v evropském modelu multifunkčního zemědělství
OdděleníVýživa a krmení hospodářských zvířat