The effect of various substances on inhibition of microorganisms and sperm survival in short-term boar semen extender
Kateg. publikace | Články v odborných časopisech |
Interní odkaz | 19288.pdf |
Abstrakt | The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of sodium thiosulfate (TS1, 2, 3), colloidal zinc + ascorbic acid (CZ1, 2) and honey (H) added to boar semen extender BTS without antibiotic (BTS0) as a substitute for antibiotics on inhibition of microorganisms and their influence on sperm survival. The amount tested substances added to boar semen extender was not effect on initial sperm motility (p |
Projekt | Dlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace |
Oddělení | Chov prasat |
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