The evaluation of quality of silage hybrids by new national system
Kateg. publikace | Ostatní.. |
Interní odkaz | 13135.pdf |
Abstrakt | At present, the maize hybrids are selected in an agricultural company particularly by the agronomists. Their goals are sometimes a little different from the goals of the livestock specialists, also the goals of the seed corn sellers can be different too. The offers of hybrids of seed corn companies can be sometimes difficultly compared between each other, as the companies use different methods of definition and evaluation of the monitored indicators. Great attention must be paid also to the unification of the sample taking methods. The very farmers expressed the need of introduction of a unified system of evaluation of maize hybrids with higher emphasis on the need of animal production. |
Projekt | Inovovat systémy hodnocení kvality krmiv s důrazem na zavedení nového národního systému hodnocení |
Oddělení | Výživa a krmení hospodářských zvířat |
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