The maternal nucleolus plays a key role in centromere satellite maintenance during the oocyte to embryo transition

FULKOVÁ, Helena a LANGEROVÁ, A. The maternal nucleolus plays a key role in centromere satellite maintenance during the oocyte to embryo transition. Development, 2014, 141, 1694-1704. ISSN 0950-1991.
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Interní odkaz14030.pdf

The oocyte (maternal) nucleolus is essential for early embryonic development and embryos originating from enucleolated oocytes arrest at the 2-cell stage. The reason for this is unclear. We demonstrated that whereas rRNA transcription activation and pre-rRNA processing are unaffected by the absence of NPB, this organelle is essential for the regulation of major and minor satellite sequences and consequently for normal development.

ProjektÚloha a funkce jadérka v oogenezi a časném embryonálním vývoji
OdděleníBiologie reprodukce
Pracovní skupinaEmbryobiotechnologie