To beat or not to beat: “opportunistic” behaviour during antler growth period odifies cortisol concentration in red deer (Cervus elaphus) males

ESATTORE, Bruno, VILLAGRÁN, Matías, PLUHÁČEK, Jan, KOMÁRKOVÁ, Martina, DUŠEK, Adam, KOTRBA, Radim, BARTOŠOVÁ, Jitka a BARTOŠ, Luděk., 2017 To beat or not to beat: “opportunistic” behaviour during antler growth period odifies cortisol concentration in red deer (Cervus elaphus) males. In 35th International Ethological Conference. Estoril, Portugal: Estoril Congress Center, s. CT29.6. ISSN
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Red deer (Cervus elaphus) males out of rut associate in bachelor groups where animals compete for rank position throughout agonistic interactions. In this study, males of a group of 18 adult individuals was divided into two groups of 9 animals each, namely “Friends” (low frequency of attacks) and “Rivals” (competing frequently) according to the number of agonistic encounters recorded earlier.
