Udder, Claw, and Reproductive Health in Genomic Selection of the Czech Holstein
Kateg. publikace | Vědecké publikace impaktované |
Interní odkaz | 24042.pdf |
Abstrakt | Simple Summary The enhanced selection index proposed in the study incorporates new health disorder traits related to udder, claw, and reproduction in addition to the current selection traits. Genetic parameters and breeding values for the traits were evaluated using linear animal models and single-step genomic best linear unbiased prediction (ssGBLUP) methods. The economic weights (EWs) for the new health disorders were calculated using the enhanced bioeconomic model implemented in the computer programme EWDC (i.e., economic weights for dairy cattle), which is versatile and can be applied for various breeds, farm management, and conditions. The use of the enhanced selection index mostly allowed favourable selection progress in terms of the new and current breeding objective traits and could be acceptable for local breeders.Abstract The aim of this study was to construct an enhanced selection index using the genomic and economic parameters of new health disorders and current production and functional traits. Genomic evaluation for the incidence of clinical mastitis (CM), three claw disease traits, retained placenta (RET), metritis (MET), and cystic ovaries (CYS) was performed using linear animal models based on producer-recorded data. Good correlations among the health disorders were found, and their heritability estimates did not exceed 7%. Economic weights (EWs) for the health disorders were EUR -132.10 for CM, EUR -128.87 for overall claw diseases, EUR -52.10 for RET, EUR -80.48 for MET, and EUR -16.16 for CYS. These EWs indicate changes in the present value of the annual profit per cow when increasing the incidence of the traits by one case per cow year. Selection using the enhanced index resulted in favourable responses for most of the new health disorders (e.g., -0.001 and -0.006 cases of RET and MET per cow year, respectively), and also in the current breeding objective traits (+49 kg of milk, -0.02% of calf losses). An index contribution of 7% for the new health disorders was assessed as acceptable for the breeders. |
Projekt | Výzkum postupů šlechtění dojeného skotu s cílem zvýšit odolnost k nemocem využitím genomických plemenných hodnot, rozvoje systému sběru, Dlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace |
Oddělení | Genetika a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat |
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