User´s Manual for the program package ECOWEIGHT (C programs for calculating economic weights in livestock), Version 2.1.18. Programs for cattle

VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. User´s Manual for the program package ECOWEIGHT (C programs for calculating economic weights in livestock), Version 2.1.18. Programs for cattle. Autoři: WOLF, Jochen, WOLFOVÁ, Marie a KRUPA, Emil.. Česká republika. Software . 2005-12-13.
Kateg. publikaceMetodiky certifikované; metodiky; software
Počet stran48
Interní odkaz5310.pdf

The 2nd version of the program package ECOWEIGHT includes different production systems for beef and dairy cattle. The programs are established for the calculation of economic values for traits that can be used for the construction of economic selection indices. Involving the gene flow method makes it possible to calculate economic weights for maternal and direct effects of the traits for different groups of selected animals (different selection pathes). The programs can be further applied to some economic analyses of individual production systems.

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