User´s manual for the program package ECOWEIGHT (C programs for calculating economic weights in Livestock), Version 5.0.2. Part 3B: Program GFSH for Gene Flow in Sheep, Version 1.0.2

WOLF, Jochen a WOLFOVÁ, Marie., 2010 User´s manual for the program package ECOWEIGHT (C programs for calculating economic weights in Livestock), Version 5.0.2. Part 3B: Program GFSH for Gene Flow in Sheep, Version 1.0.2. In ECOWEIGHT Version 5.0.2. Part 3A: Program GFSH for Gene Flow in Sheep, Version 1.0.2. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby v.v.i., s. CD. ISSN
Kateg. publikaceOstatní..
Počet stran40
Interní odkaz10063.pdf

This part of the program package ECOWEIGHT contains a program for the calculation of economic weights for direct and maternal traits or trait components for dairy and non-dairy sheep. The program calculates the cumulative number of discounted gene expressions for the animal group expected to be selected as parents for the next generation of progeny in a pure-breeding production system or in systems with partial terminal crossing. The number of discounted expressions are then used (together with the economic values calculated with the program EWSH2) for the calculation of economic weights for direct and maternal traits or trait components which are applicable to the construction of selection indices and sub-indices for any of the breed involved in the evaluated production system. The program is written in C, the source code and compiled versions for Windows and LINUX are made available as freeware.

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