What are the reasons for the Prussian carp expansion in the upper Elbe River, Czech Republic?
Kateg. publikace | Vědecké publikace impaktované |
Interní odkaz | 4328.pdf |
Abstrakt | Prussian carp Carassius auratus gibelio was radio-tracked along the course of the upper Elbe Rive and diurnal movements were observed in three habitat types (main channel, navigation canal and floodplain areas). Downstream migrations dominated in all seasons. Migration stopped when specimens found a floodplain area, where they occupied larger home ranges compared to the main channel. Migrations upstream of up to 2 km were rare, and specimens did not enter fish ladders. Spontaneous reproduction only occurred on the floodplain and its success was very low. The results suggested that neither upstream migrations, nor spontaneous reproduction represented the key mechanism for the Prussian carp invasion into the Elbe catchment area of the Czech Republic. Itcan be assumed that escapes from aquaculture activities are primarily responsible for its expansion. |
Oddělení | Etologie |
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