Increasing of Effective Fiber at TMR by New Technology (Shredlage) for Harvest of Maize Silage

JAMBOR, Václav, VOSYNKOVÁ, B., ILLEK, Josef a KUDRNA, Václav., 2016 Increasing of Effective Fiber at TMR by New Technology (Shredlage) for Harvest of Maize Silage. In Forage Conservation. Nitra: National Agricultural and Food Centre, s. 179-180. ISSN
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Optimal harvest time of maize for corn silage is for the whole plant in the range of 30-34% of DM. In this period it must be maize harvested in a way to ensure a successful fermentation process of ensiled forage with the minimum losses of DM during fermentation and storage at silo. Self-propelled forage harvestor was equipped with numerous knife cutter drum that was able to cut the maize and secure good fermentation process, but this device was unable to disrupt the chopped forage length wise, not sufficiently disrupt grain corn. For this reason, gradually cutting drum fitted with other blades that allow TLC shortened. Furthermore, the forage harvester gradually fitted grooved rollers so. Cora Cracer, which were supposed to squeeze the grain of corn, which was subsequently used in the rumen. However, there was the fact that the resulting corn silage at an optimum dry matter 32% TLC was below 10 mm. Such forage reduced the proportion of effective fiber in TMR (Mertens D.R.

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