Economics of sheep and goat breeding

KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana and STANĚK, Stanislav. Economics of sheep and goat breeding. Mikrop. Informační servis. Pro chovatele hospodářských zvířat a producenty krmních směsí, 2019, vol. (1), p. 24-25. ISSN .
Internal link19063.pdf

Reproduction indicators of livestock are key parameters of efficiency. Primarily, the level of production, the revenues and influence on the profitable use of inputs is important there. Of course, the macroeconomic situation, the management and optimization of production and the domestic specifics concerning the size of the farm and the absence of central collection and processing of milk of small ruminants play an important role here. The current trend is aimed to optimize the processing of milk in small dairies, the health aspects of dairy production and thus its economic sustainability and safety.