Jana Rychtářová, Ph.D. (Institute of Animal Science)
Luděk Bartoň, Ph.D. (Institute of Animal Science)
Pavel Čermák, Ph.D. (Institute of Animal Science)
Adam Dušek, Ph.D. (Institute of Animal Science)
Václav Dvořáček, Ph.D. (The Crop Research Institute )
Josef Fulka, Ph.D. (Institute of Animal Science)
Petr Homolka, Assoc. prof. (Institute of Animal Science)
Ivan Houdek, M.Sc. (DLF Seeds, s.r.o.)
Tomáš Komprda, Prof. (Mendel University in Brno)
Ivo Pavlík, Prof. (Mendel University in Brno)
Pavel Rössner, Ph.D. (Institute of Experimental Medicine of the CAS)
Jan Syrůček, Ph.D. (Institute of Animal Science)
Robert Tůma, M.Sc. (Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture)
Zdeněk Volek, Assoc. prof. (Institute of Animal Science)