Luděk Bartoň, Ph.D. (Institute of Animal Science)
Jan Syrůček, Ph.D. (Institute of Animal Science)
Jitka Bartošová, Assoc. prof. (Institute of Animal Science)
Pavel Čermák, Ph.D. (Institute of Animal Science, The Crop Research Institute )
Petr Doležal, Prof. (Mendel University in Brno)
František Hnilička, Assoc. prof. (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague)
Václav Jambor, Ph.D. (Nutrivet)
Ivana Knížková, Assoc. prof. (Institute of Animal Science)
Vladimír Němeček M.Sc. (Institute of Animal Science)
Jaroslav Petr, Prof. (Institute of Animal Science)
Miroslav Rozkot, Ph.D (Institute of Animal Science)
Jana Rychtářová, Ph.D. (Institute of Animal Science)
Dalibor Řehák, Ph.D. (Institute of Animal Science)
Miloslav Šoch, Ph.D. (University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice)
Zdeněk Volek, Assoc. prof. (Institute of Animal Science)