Reliability of Breeding Values and Genomic Breeding Values

BAUER, J. Spolehlivost PH a GEPH. Zemědělský týdeník příloha Moderní živočišná výroba, 2015, roč. XVIII, č. 25, s. 12-13.{INTLINK}
BAUER, Jiří. Reliability of Breeding Values and Genomic Breeding Values. Zemědělský týdeník příloha Moderní živočišná výroba, 2015, vol. XVIII(25), p. 12-13. ISSN .
Internal link15087.pdf

The text describes definition of reliability of breeding values, methods of calculation and its influence on breeding values and selection process. Furthermore, reliability of genomic breeding values is widely discussed: influences of genomics on the reliability values (including examples), current results and impact on genomic selection of cattle. Traits included in Czech routine genomic evaluation of dairy cattle are also summarized.