Prototype feed mixture SUPERMIX TOP

VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. Prototype feed mixture SUPERMIX TOP. Authors: LOUČKA, Radko.. Česká republika. Prototyp FV/VÚŽV/02/2018. 2018-06-26.
CathegoryUtility patent, prototype, legal regulation, tecchnolgy
Internal link18071.pdf

The prototype of concentrated supplementary feed mixture SUPERMIX TOP for high-breed dairy cows at the top of lactation was made in The Fremis feed mixer Čechtice for the purpose of experimenting with dairy cows and subsequent registration of the utility model under the number PUV 2018-34915 at UPV Prague. Institute of Animal Science Prague Uhrineves concluded with MRÁZ AGRO CZ s.r.o. Blatna a license agreement with the right the feed mixture to produce, operate, exploit and sell.