Study on the Effects of Sex and Age on Proximal Femoral Fractures in Two Culturally Diverse Countries

ZELENKA, Lubomír, KNÍŽKOVÁ, Ivana, LUKEŠOVÁ, D. and KUNC, Petr. Study on the Effects of Sex and Age on Proximal Femoral Fractures in Two Culturally Diverse Countries. Acta Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae et Traumatologiae Cechoslovaca, 2019, 86, 330-333. ISSN 0001-5415.
CathegoryScientific publication in impacted journals
Internal link19187.pdf

The pilot study deals with the current situation in proximal femoral fractures in culturally diverse regions, namely in Afghanistan (AFG) and in the Czech Republic (CZ). The results of the pilot study showed that there are significant differences in age and frequency of fractures in dependence on sex and country. The mean age of all the patients who suffered a fracture of proximal femur in AFG (58 years) was considerably lower(p < 0.001) than in patients in CZ (81 years). Similarly, a significant difference (p