Analysis of Linear Scoring of Conformation Traits in Czech Draught Horses
Kateg. publikace | Příspěvky ve sbornících |
Interní odkaz | 16168.pdf |
Abstrakt | The analysis of linear scoring of conformation traits performed in 946 individuals of Czech-Moravian Belgian horse (CMB), 574 Silesian Norikers (N) and 640 horses of Noriker breed (N) was conducted by linear model with fixed effects sex, age at scoring, breed, contemporary group (year of scoring x place of scoring x classifier). Data obtained from horses of these three different breeds were recorded in one single database. Descriptive statistics (mean value, standard deviation, variation coefficient) were calculated for all monitored traits. Te incomplete use of variability scale was detected for the most of scored traits. For none of the monitored traits the whole scale (1-9) was used. Significant differences between mares and stallions were found only for 5 traits. Te age of the horse at the scoring had no significant effect for the most of the traits. Both effects (sex and age at the scoring) did not reach statistical significance for the majority of monitored traits in all breeds. On the contrary, in all traits statistically significant differences in effect of contemporary group (year of scoring x place of scoring x classifier) were found. |
Projekt | Vývoj systému genetického hodnocení a optimalizace šlechtitelských postupů v populaci koní v České republice |
Oddělení | Genetika a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat |
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