Biometrical Approaches in Genetics and Breeding of Farm Animals

PŘIBYL, Josef, PŘIBYLOVÁ, Jana a VOSTRÝ, Luboš., 2017 Biometrical Approaches in Genetics and Breeding of Farm Animals. In XXI. Summer School of Biometrics. Brno: Mendelova univerzita, s. 15. ISSN
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Genetic work with farm animals is organized on a state level and is regulated by low. Farmers are organized in Association, which are responsible for breeding pro­grams. Breeds are continuously selected and improved to the demands of farmers. Base for selection is regular production recording in herds, which covers approx. 95% of dairy cows (350,000 cows), 10% of beef breeds cows (22,000 cows), 10% of sheep (25,000 ewes) and 5% of pigs (5,000 sows) and their progeny.

ProjektCelostátní informační systém genetického hodnocení hospodářských zvířat, Rozvoj hospodářských zvířat v multifunkčním zemědělství
OdděleníGenetika a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat