Effective Cleaning of Animal Houses Effective Cleaning Stables - A Prerequisite for Ef­fective Disinfection

TITTL., K., NOVÁK, Pavel a MALÁ, Gabriela., 2015 Effective Cleaning of Animal Houses Effective Cleaning Stables - A Prerequisite for Ef­fective Disinfection. In XVII International Congress on Animal Hygiene 2015. Košice: University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy, s. 367-368. ISSN 978-80-8077-462-2
Kateg. publikacePříspěvky ve sbornících
Interní odkaz15133.pdf

Washing is a key part of each animal hygiene programme. High pressure washing above 120 bar results in the trans­fer of contaminated water droplers over long distances. The least effective is high-pressure washing using cold water without pre-soaking. Washing with hot water is more effective but more expensive than other methods. Correctly pre-soaked pens can be washed much easily and safely.

ProjektVytvoření systému hodnocení biosecurity, welfare a zdraví hospodářských zvířat pro produkci zdravotně nezávadných surovin a potravin živočišného původu
OdděleníTechnologie a technika chovu hospodářských zvířat