Estimation of (Co)Variance Components for Age at First Farrowing and Farrowing Interval in Czech Large White

KRUPA, Emil, ŽÁKOVÁ, Eliška, KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana a MICHALIČKOVÁ, Monika., 2016 Estimation of (Co)Variance Components for Age at First Farrowing and Farrowing Interval in Czech Large White. In 24th Int. Symposium Animal Science Days. Ljubljana: Acta agriculturae Slovenica, s. Suppl.5, 183-188. ISSN 1581-9175
Kateg. publikacePříspěvky ve sbornících
Interní odkaz16100.pdf

We aimed to estimate the variance and covariance components for the original and transformed age at the first far­rowing (AFF) and farrowing interval in this study. The data from 25,094 sows (77,544 observations) of the Czech Large White pig breed between January 2000 and December 2015 provided by Czech Pig Breeders Association were used for the analyses. Data higher than the median were only transformed. The farrowing interval was evaluated separately from the first to the fourth parity (FI1-FI4). The heritabilities for the original traits were very low: 0.17, 0.11, 0.07, 0.06, and 0.06 for AFF and FI1-FI4, whereas those for the transformed traits were higher: 0.19, 0.14, 0.11, 0.11, and 0.12 for AFF and FI1-FI4, respectively. The phenotypic correlations between the traits were low, but significant. The estimated genetic correlations between all the farrowing intervals were clearly lower than one, indicating that all the farrowing intervals should be treated as different traits. Using the transformation procedure decreased the skewness and kurtosis of the original data in our study. The heritabilities of the analysed farrowing intervals were only increased owing to the transformation

ProjektOptimalizace Českého národního programu pro šlechtění prasat se zvláštním ohledem na funkční a reprodukční znaky
OdděleníGenetika a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat