Genetic Groups of Dam Lines in the Czech Pig Breeding Values Prediction

ŽÁKOVÁ, Eliška, KRUPA, Emil, PŘIBYL, Josef a KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana., 2018 Genetic Groups of Dam Lines in the Czech Pig Breeding Values Prediction. In XXVIIIth Genetic Days 2018. České Budějovice: University of South Bohemia, s. 70-71. ISSN
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Interní odkaz18164.pdf

The Czech pig breeding programme is an open programme dependent on the imports of animals, mainly boars. The incorporating of animals with zero or weak relationship to domestic populations leads to underestimation of their breeding values. The inclusion of genetic groups into animal models provides certain solution of given problem. Genetic group methods allow genetic effects to be assigned to multiple groups within the base population of phantom parents with different group means (Quaas 1988).

ProjektNavýšení spolehlivosti celostátního genomického hodnocení dojeného skotu zařazením krav s domácí užitkovostí do genotypované referenční populace
OdděleníGenetika a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat