Research of dairy cattle breeding methods with the goal to improve disease resistance using genomic approach, systemic health data collecting

ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila., 2019 Research of dairy cattle breeding methods with the goal to improve disease resistance using genomic approach, systemic health data collecting. In Prezentace na semináři 29.11.2019. Guelph (Kanada): Universita Guelph, s. . ISSN
Kateg. publikaceOstatní..
Interní odkaz19229.pdf

The presentation deals with the issue of breeding to increase resistance to clinical mastitis and claw diseases in dairy cattle. The procedure for collecting data on diseases in dairy cattle is presented using the web application “The Diary of Diseases and Medication” (the Diary). The editing of data and created datasets for the genetic evaluation are described. The definition of the analysed trait is the occurrence of disease/disorders in lactation. Claw diseases are divided into three summary traits as infectious, non-infectious and overall claw diseases/disorders including lameness. The method used is a linear animal model with fixed traits: herd, year, calving, and parity, including the random additive and the random environmental effect. The single-step method is used to estimate genomic breeding values. Genomic breeding values and their reliability are presented. The analysis was completed by calculation of the health index for cows.

ProjektVýzkum postupů šlechtění dojeného skotu s cílem zvýšit odolnost k nemocem využitím genomických plemenných hodnot, rozvoje systému sběru, Dlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace
OdděleníGenetika a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat