Deer Nutrition and Feeding

BRYNDA, V., FALTUS, O., LANDETE-CASTOLLEJOS, T. a KOTRBA, R., 2016 Deer Nutrition and Feeding. In Uspořádání konference 30.3.2016. : VVS Vermerovice, CZ, s. . ISSN
Kateg. publikaceUspořádání konference nebo workshopu; audiovizuální tvorba
Interní odkaz16232.pdf

Conference on Deer Nutrition and Feeding hold on 30th March2016 in conference hall in hotel Filipinum Jablonne nad Orlici, Czech Republic organised by Nutrition and feeding company VVS, Vermerovice, CZ , by International Deer and wild Ungulate Breeders Association (IDUBA) and by Institute of Animal Science, Praha- Uhříněves, CZ focused of captive deer nutrition, feeding and husbandry issues attended by participants from more than 24 countries from Europe, Latin America, Asia and Australia.

ProjektRozvoj hospodářských zvířat v multifunkčním zemědělství