Influence of Dry Weather on Maize Production 2015

LOUČKA, Radko, HOMOLKA, Petr, JANČÍK, Filip, KUBELKOVÁ, Petra. TYROLOVÁ, Yvona a VÝBORNÁ, Alena., 2016 Influence of Dry Weather on Maize Production 2015. In Forage Conservation. Nitra: National Agricultural and Food Centre, s. 78-79. ISSN
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Interní odkaz16135.pdf

Dry weather in the vegetation period can have a significant impact not only on the yield of maize but also on its quality. During fermentation, biochemical processes take place in maize silages, accompanied by increasing silage temperatures caused by insufficiently displaced air. With increasing proportion of dry matter, the risk of higher content of residual oxygen in the ensilaged matter grows. The biochemical processes accompanying the increasing temperatures lead to losses of energy and of nutritional value of the silages (Whitlock et al., 2000). Further losses may occur due to insufficient aerobic stability of the silage after opening the silo, which can lead to a decreased consumption of the silage (Filya and Sucu, 2010). The year 2015 was very dry and warm. The extremely low precipitation in the summer period, combined with high temperatures, had a very negative impact primarily on maize. The dry matter in the harvested maize was higher than is usual for ensilaging, as the plants dried very quickly in the field, although the grain often was in the milk phase or only at the beginning of the milky-waxy ripeness. Therefore maize was harvested with high content of fibre in the dry matter and with lower content of starch, often also with higher content of dry matter

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