TLR4 Gene Polymorphism Preserved in Two Cattle Breeds of Genetic Resources

NOVÁK, Karel, PIKOUSOVÁ, Jitka, CZERNEKOVÁ, Vladimíra a MÁTLOVÁ, Věra. TLR4 Gene Polymorphism Preserved in Two Cattle Breeds of Genetic Resources. Slovak Journal of Animal Science, 2015, roč. 48(4), s. 192-193. ISSN .
Kateg. publikaceOstatní..
Interní odkaz15232.pdf

Allelic variants of disease resistance genes in the historical animal breeds are supposed to reflect local infection pressure. They represent a reservoir for breeding programmes and help to counteract gene pool erosion. Therefore, screening for the diversity of innate immunity receptors belonging to the Toll-like receptors (TLR) family was carried out in two cattle breeds. The survey covered limited herds of Czech Red and Czech Red Pied included in the conservation programme.

OdděleníGenetika a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat