Effect of Different Factors on Proliferation of Antler Cells, Cultured In Vitro
Kateg. publikace | Vědecké publikace impaktované |
Interní odkaz | 11037.pdf |
Abstrakt | Antlers as a potential model for bone growth and development have become an object of rising interest. To elucidate processes explaining how antler growth is regulated, in vitro cultures have been established. However, until now, there has been no standard method to cultivate antler cells and in vitro results are often opposite to those reported in vivo. In addition, many factors which are often not taken into account under in vitro conditions may play an important role in the development of antler cells. In this study we investigated the effects of the antler growth stage, the male individuality, passaged versus primary cultures and the effect of foetal calf serum concentrations on proliferative potential of mixed antler cell cultures in vitro, derived from regenerating antlers of red deer males (Cervus elaphus). The proliferation potential of antler cells was measured by incorporation of H-3 thymidine. |
Projekt | Hormonální podstata vztahu mezi sociální aktivitou a růstem paroží III, Udržitelný rozvoj chovu hospodářských zvířat v evropském modelu multifunkčního zemědělství |
Oddělení | Etologie |
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