Preweaning housing effects on behavior and physiological measures in pigs during the suckling and fattening periods
Kateg. publikace | Vědecké publikace impaktované |
Interní odkaz | 7152.pdf |
Abstrakt | The effect of the preweaning housing system (PHS) on the stress response of pigs before weaning and during fattening was studied. Barren crate, enriched crate, and a farrowing pen (control) were compared. Pigs were tested with an isolation test, a humanapproach test and an isolatio-hunam test. Further, the saliva cortisol analysis was made. The pH of the LM was also measured after slaughter. PHS affected vocalizations and the locomotion during the human approach test. Pigs from the enriched pens vocalized less, had a longer latency to move, and performed less overall locomotion than pigs from the barren crates. PHS did not affect behavior of fattening pigs. Cortisol concentrations were not affected by PHS. Meat of pigs from enriched pens has the highest pH. Enrichment of the preweaning environment had a positive effect on the coping behavior of pigs. Minimal enrichment of the commercial farrowing crate did not affect behavior and physiological measures in pigs. |
Oddělení | Biologie reprodukce, Chov prasat, Etologie |
Pracovní skupina | Embryobiotechnologie |
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