Workshop Immunogenetics and Livestock Breeding for Disease Resistance
Kateg. publikace | Uspořádání konference nebo workshopu; audiovizuální tvorba |
Interní odkaz | 21236.pdf |
Abstrakt | Book of abstracts comprises lectures presented at the international workshop (virtual) “Immunogenetics and livestock breeding for disease resistance” organized by the Department of Genetics and Breeding of IAS and held on November 23 – 24, 2021. The aim of the workshop was to summarise the current state in the immunogenetics of livestock species and to identify the ways how to transfer this knowledge to breeding algorithms and programmes. Although the formalized genomics of the last decade has at its disposal efficient procedures for using variability in the range of the whole genome, the specificity of immunity genes and functional complexity of their products assumes the exploitation of related databases and informatic tools. The contributions to the workshop have summed up the antibacterial, antiparasitic and antiviral immunity and illustrated the state in the models with advanced knowledge on the molecular level. Organization of the workshop was linked to the activities of the Genetics of Immune Response and Comparative MHC sections of the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG). The workshop was also related to the tradition of the immunogenetic research in the Czech Republic and to the previous events in this direction. In total, 52 participants from 28 countries attended the workshop. The workshop was supported by the project LTV20020 of the INTER/VECTOR – INTER/EXCELLENCE programme. |
Projekt | Podpora zapojení v činnosti Mezinárodní společnosti pro živočišnou genetiku (ISAG) |
Ke stažení | 21236 |
Oddělení | Genetika a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat |
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