QL24020161 Economically and operationally suitable alternative housing for replacing cage technologies in farrowing sows while maintaining the viability of piglets 2024 - 2026
QL24010025 Genomic selection of beef cattle and breeding for resilience under climate change 2024 - 2028
QL24010136 Optimization of diets for farmed rabbits based on the principles of a circular economy 2024 - 2028
QL24010350 Ensuring the sustainability of efficient dairy farming using genomic breeding using mining data from modern technologies including infrared spectroscopy 2024 - 2028
QL24010214 Polyfunctional particles to reduce zinc and antibiotics in weaned piglets 2024 - 2027
QL24010123 Reproductive disorders in pigs - harmful substances in farms 2024 - 2028
QL24010177 Natural additives as an improving element of cattle feed rations 2024 - 2028
QL24020269 Health risk management in dairy herds under precision farming conditions and information potential of new data sources for use in genomic selection for resistance and adaptability in dairy cows 2024 - 2026
QL24020280 Carbon agriculture and determination and savings of greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural production 2024 - 2026
TQ11000023 Improvement and extension of the system of commercialization and use of research results in the field of livestock production 2024 - 2028
RO0723 The development of livestock in multifunctional agriculture 2023 - 2027
TC001 National Centre for Biotechnology in Veterinary Medicine 2023 - 2028
QK23020085 New approaches in piglet production with focus on welfare, environmental protection and production economics 2023 - 2025
QK23020011 Development of strategies to reduce greenhouse gases and ammonia emissions from livestock in the Czech Republic 2023 - 2025
QK22020132 New methods of pig carcass classification 2022 - 2024
QK22020280 Use of genomic selection to optimise the resilience of dairy cattle 2022 - 2024
QK21010344 Effective resources of proteins in nutrition of cattle 2021 - 2025
CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_053/0017294 (EF18_053/0017294) International Mobility IAS 2021 - 2023
QK21010038 Early prediction of health risks and reproduction disorders in dairy cows using the extended spectrum of parameters obtained from milk composition analysis 2021 - 2025
QK21020304 The influence of the level of livestock management and prevention of diseases, including biosecurity, on the reduction of antimicrobials usage and the spread of antimicrobial resistance 2021 - 2023
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