Yearbook of sheep and goats in the Czech Republic for 2011

KVAPILÍK, J., RŮŽIČKA, Z. & BUCEK, P. Chov skotu v České republice. In Ročenka 2011. Praha: Svaz chovatelů českého strakatého skotu, 2012, s. 83 s..{INTLINK}
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich, RŮŽIČKA, Zdeněk and BUCEK, Pavel. Yearbook of sheep and goats in the Czech Republic for 2011. Praha: Svaz chovatelů českého strakatého skotu, 2012, 83 p. ISBN
No. of pages83
Internal link12069.pdf

Yearbook gives an overview of the development of sheep and goats in the last years of the available resources in the Czech Republic and also includes information on the development of sheep and goats in the world, experience with an estimate breeding values ​​of sheep in Great Britain and some new approaches in breeding sheep in the world. In 2011 and 2012, continued to increase the numbers of sheep that were in previous years interrupted only in 2009. The positive development also was recorded in recent years in the development of the numbers of goats.