Breeding parameters of milk production in the years 2006-2010

KRUPOVÁ, Z., MICHALIČKOVÁ, M. & KRUPA, E. Chovateĺské ukazovatele výroby mlieka v rokoch 2006-2010. Náš chov, 2012, roč. 72, č. 10, s. 65-66.{INTLINK}
KRUPOVÁ, Zuzana, MICHALIČKOVÁ, Monika and KRUPA, Emil. Breeding parameters of milk production in the years 2006-2010. Náš chov, 2012, vol. 72(10), p. 65-66. ISSN .
Internal link12116.pdf

The aim of this article was to evaluate the economic development of milk production in Slovakia in the period 2006-2010. Unit costs per kilogram of milk increased by 15% for the evaluated period due to the influence of different determinants (macro and micro). On the other hand, the realization price of milk decreased by 13%. Since the year 2009 the economics of milk production got into the red numbers, as the sharp fall in prices occurred mainly. Profitability of costs ranged from -21% (2010) to 5% (2007) in the evaluated period.