Effects of a one Week Intensive Feed Restriction in the Growing Rabbit: Part 2: Development of the Digestive Systém

TŮMOVÁ, E., VOLEK, Z., MAKOVICKÝ, P. & CHODOVÁ, D. Effects of a one Week Intensive Feed Restriction in the Growing Rabbit: Part 2: Development of the Digestive Systém. In World Rabbit Congress. Egypt: Sharm El Sheikh, 2012, s. 621-624.{INTLINK}
TŮMOVÁ, Eva, VOLEK, Zdeněk, MAKOVICKÝ, P. a CHODOVÁ, Darina., 2012 Effects of a one Week Intensive Feed Restriction in the Growing Rabbit: Part 2: Development of the Digestive Systém. In World Rabbit Congress. Egypt: Sharm El Sheikh, s. 621-624. ISSN
Internal link12162.pdf

On the base of the results it is possible to assume that a one week hard feed restriction modify intestinal morphology of the growing rabbit.