Economic weights of traits for dual-purpose sheep

WOLFOVÁ, M., WOLF, J. & MILERSKI, M. Ekonomické váhy znaků ovcí s kombinovanou užitkovostí. Náš chov, 2012, roč. 72, č. 9, s. 37-38.{INTLINK}
WOLFOVÁ, Marie, WOLF, Jochen and MILERSKI, Michal. Economic weights of traits for dual-purpose sheep. Náš chov, 2012, vol. 72(9), p. 37-38. ISSN .
Internal link12109.pdf

Economic weights of production and functional traits were estimated for the dual-purpose sheep breeds Romney, Merinolandschaf, Romanov and Sumavska. A bio-economic computer model simulating the profit function for production systems with partial terminal crossing and with one lambing per year was used for the calculations. First, marginal economic values were calculated which were defined as partial derivatives of the profit function with respect to the average level for each trait. Applying gene-flow methodology, absolute and relative economic weights for direct and maternal components of the traits were then estimated. The following traits were evaluated: birth weight, daily gain till weaning and during rearing, mature weight, dressing percentage, fleece weight, conception rate of ewe lambs and ewes, litter size at lambing (total number of lambs born per ewe lambing), survival rate of lambs at birth and till weaning and productive lifetime of ewes.