Economic values of traits for Suffolk breed in systems with crossing

WOLFOVÁ, M., WOLF, J. & MILERSKI, M. Ekonomické váhy znaků při křížení plemene suffolk. Náš chov, 2012, roč. 72, č. 8, s. 42-44.{INTLINK}
WOLFOVÁ, Marie, WOLF, Jochen and MILERSKI, Michal. Economic values of traits for Suffolk breed in systems with crossing. Náš chov, 2012, vol. 72(8), p. 42-44. ISSN .
Internal link12093.pdf

Using the program package ECOWEIGHT, the economic weights (EWs) for 12 production and functional traits were estimated for Suffolk sires whose sons were used both in pure-breeding and in terminal crossing with the 4 dual-purpose breeds Romanov, Sumavska, Romney, and Merinolandschaf. Standardized EWs were calculated by multiplying the marginal EWs with the genetic standard deviations of the traits, and relative EW were defined as absolute values of the standardized EWs expressed as percentage of the sum of the absolute values of the standardized EWs over all traits. The 5 most important trait components for Suffolk sires whose sons were used both in pure-breeding and in terminal crossing were (relative EW given in parentheses): the direct components of survival rate till weaning (21.0%), daily gain till weaning (14.1%), and survival rate at birth (14.0%), the maternal component of survival rate till weaning (10.7%) and litter size at lambing (7.6%).