Estimation of genetic parameters of semen characteristics and reproductive traits in AI boars

SMITAL, J., WOLF, J. & DE SOUSA, L.L.. Estimation of genetic parameters of semen characteristics and reproductive traits in AI boars. Animal Reproduction Science. 2005, roč. 86, č. Mar., s. 119-130.
SMITAL, Jaroslav, WOLF, Jochen a DE SOUSA, L.L. Estimation of genetic parameters of semen characteristics and reproductive traits in AI boars. Animal Reproduction Science, 2005, 86, 119-130. ISSN 0378-4320.
CathegoryScientific publication in impacted journals
Internal link5054.pdf

(Co) variance components and further genetic parameters of boar semen characteristics and reproductive traits were estimated using the REML procedure applied to multi-trait animal models. The calculations were based on data from 210,733 ejaculates stemming from 2,862 AI boars and collected from 1990 to 1997 in insemination stations for boars in the Czech Republic. Equal model equations for all traits included the AI station and the breed or breed combination as fixed effects, the interval between two collections for the boar as covariable and the animal and residual effects as random effects.