The crossing of sheep with the meat breeds improves growth intensity and carcass quality of lambs.
PINĎÁK, A. & MILERSKI, M.. Křížení ovcí s masnými plemeny zlepšuje výkrmnost a jatečnou hodnotu jehňat.. Náš chov. 2004, roč. 64, č. 5, s. 43-45.
Year | 2004 |
Cathegory | Publication in specialized journals |
Internal link | 4151.pdf |
Abstract | The effect of crossing of sheep breed with cambined utilisation (Sumava Sheep, Improved Valachian, Merinolandschf) with the meat size breed (Charollais, Suffolk, Texel) were analysed. Hybrids had in all cases better daily gains and characteristics of carcass quality than purebred lambs of combined breeds. |
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