International Workshop Focused on Oxidative Stability, Cannabinoids Analysis and Antibacterial Activity in Experiment of Broiler Chickens Fed Hemp By-Product

TAUBNER, Tomáš., 2023 International Workshop Focused on Oxidative Stability, Cannabinoids Analysis and Antibacterial Activity in Experiment of Broiler Chickens Fed Hemp By-Product. In Uspořádání workshopu. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v. v. i., s. 2023-02-20. ISSN
CathegoryConference or workshop organization
Internal link23013.pdf

On February 20, 2023, a workshop was held at the Research Institute of Animal Production, v. v. i., under the auspices of the Department of Physiology of Nutrition and Production Quality. The main topic was the use of methods for determining oxidative stability, cannabinoids and antibacterial activity in an experiment with chickens fed a mixture with the addition of waste biomass from hemp seed purification. The results were presented by Davide Lanzoni from the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of Milan, Italy. Our institute has been cooperating with this University for a long time. The results were discussed after the presentations. The workshop was supported by the research project of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic (MZE-RO0723). The workshop was also transmitted online to the Czech University of Agriculture and the Italy University of Milan.