Consequences of weaning for the foals: When to leave home

BARTOŠOVÁ, J. Následky odstavu aneb Jak rychle vystrnadit mládež z rodného hnízda. Jezdectví,, 2015, roč. 64, č. 5, s. 60-62.{INTLINK}
BARTOŠOVÁ, Jitka. Consequences of weaning for the foals: When to leave home. Jezdectví, 2015, vol. 64(5), p. 60-62. ISSN .
Internal link15223.pdf

Information for breeders on effects of different weaning methods on the foals. It describes the results we found about post-weaning relocation and published in Journal of Veterinary Behavior (Dubcová, Bartošová and Komárková, J Vet Behav 2015 (10): 346-352).