Positive impact of animal model on the pig performance

WOLFOVÁ, M., WOLF, J. & ŽÁKOVÁ, E.. Pozitivní vliv animal modelu na užitkovost prasat. Náš chov. 2005, roč. 65, č. 5, s. P26-P30.
WOLFOVÁ, Marie, WOLF, Jochen and ŽÁKOVÁ, Eliška. Positive impact of animal model on the pig performance. Náš chov, 2005, vol. 65(5), p. P26-P30. ISSN 0027-8068.
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Genetic and phenotypic trends were calculated for production and reproduction traits in dam breed of pigs for the test period from 1990 to 2004. Genetic gain was higher for the period after introducing multi-trait BLUP animal model for the breeding valueestimation (birth year of animals from 1997 to 2003). In this period, the average genetic gain per year was 0.22 and 0.26 per cent for lean meat content for the breed Czech Landrace (CLA) and Czech Large White (CLW), respectively; 5.45.