The production and purchase prices of calves

KVAPILÍK, J.. Produkce a nákupní ceny telat. Náš chov. 2005, roč. 65, č. 12, s. 35-39.
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. The production and purchase prices of calves. Náš chov, 2005, vol. 65(12), p. 35-39. ISSN 0027-8068.
CathegoryPublication in specialized journals
Internal link5239.pdf

For reducing the negative development of beef and veal meat production and consumption it is necessary: 1. to set up the accounting about number, weights and prices in cattle for breeding and for fattening, 2. to increase a rate of calves for fattening in all fattened breeds in the CR, and 3. to increase a rate of calves fattened up to higher slaughter weight.