A set of hybridization probes for determining the mutation in exon 7 of bovine beta-casein

KYSELOVÁ, J., RYCHTÁŘOVÁ, J. & SZTANKÓOVÁ, Z. Sada hybridizačních sond pro stanovení mutací v exonu 7 bovinního beta-kaseinu. 2012. Užitný vzor, CZ 23351 U1, Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví.{INTLINK}
VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. A set of hybridization probes for determining the mutation in exon 7 of bovine beta-casein. Authors: KYSELOVÁ, Jitka, RYCHTÁŘOVÁ, Jana and SZTANKÓOVÁ, Zuzana.. Česká republika. Užitný vzor CZ 23351 U1. 2012-01-30.
CathegoryUtility patent, prototype, legal regulation, tecchnolgy
Internal link12023.pdf

Technical solution regards determination of allelic variants A1, A2, A3 and B of milk protein β-casein in cattle by RT-PCR. Genotyping of allelic variants is performed with specific fluorescently labeled hybridization probes of the following composition: 1. For the detection of point mutations A 8101 C (NCBI GenBank M55158.1 USA) Sensor 8101 5 ‚CCA TCC GAC CTA ACA GCC TCC C-FL 3‘ Anchor 8101 5 ‚-CAA RED640 AAC ATC CCT CCT CTT ACT ACC CAA C-PH 3‘ 2. For the detection of point mutations C 8219 A (NCBI GenBank M55158.1 USA) Sensor 8219 5 ‚TCC GGC TAA GCA AAA AAT AgA-FL 3‘ Anchor 8219 5 ‚CCC-RED640 TTC AAA CCT CCA GTT TAT C-PH gag 3‘ 3. For the detection of point mutations C 8267 G (NCBI GenBank M55158.1 USA) Sensor 8267 5 ‚TAC TGA AAG CCA CCT GAC gag FL TC-3‘ Anchor 8267 5 ‚CAC TGA RED640-TGT AAA TGA CCT TCT GCA TCC-PH 3‘ Then the melting curve analysis of the hybrid probe – DNA fragment performed in the Light Cycler 480 II Real Time PCR system enabled subsequently the identification of the allelic variants A1, A2, A3 and B resulting in β-casein genotype determination.